(405) 708-7010


In this video we discuss how holiday traditions and rituals might look different after downsizing and how planning ahead can help make the adjustment easier. 

In the video we mentioned that sometimes people need to make adjustments to their holiday traditions when they make a move. If you have less space or relocate to a new area, you may need to plan ahead for how your new rituals will look and feel. 

Below are a few questions mentioned in the video. Take time to answer each one and then share your thoughts, plans, concerns and enthusiasm with others in your life who take part in traditional holiday rituals. 

Which holiday traditions do I value and look forward to most?

Which holiday traditions would I like to continue the way they are?

Which holiday traditions would I like to modify after I move? 

Which holiday traditions do I choose to let go of following my move? 

New holiday rituals I would like to implement or experiment with:

Holiday decor, utensils, rituals, etc. I choose to pass along to others:

Our team understands that sometimes moving isn’t simply a matter of going from one place to the next. If you have lived in the same home for many years, or if your move represents a significant lifestyle change, you may have some emotions to work through. We are here for you as you do that! 

Call us anytime! 

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Oklahoma Downsizers Club