In this video we will share the things you can
safely begin to declutter without negatively affecting your estate liquidation options.
Before we dive into this topic, it’s important to remember there is a difference between downsizing and simply decluttering – a big one actually.
Downsizing means you are moving from one place to another and the next place you live won’t accommodate everything you currently have. You will have some tough choices to make.
Decluttering, on the other hand, is a mixture of purging and re-organizing. You aren’t actually forced to make hard choices about what to let go of and what to keep. You can simply just reorganize it if you choose.
With these definitions in mind, we have provided you with a list of seven things you could begin working on to prepare for a move to a smaller place in the future.
1) Clothing & accessories
Regardless of what your younger, smaller, larger, or more optimistic (or pessimistic) self is telling you, NOW is the right time to donate those smaller and larger sizes that you have been hanging onto!
If you haven’t worn it in a year or season, let it go! That goes for ties, purses, handbags, belts, briefcases, shoes, scarves, caps and luggage too!
2) Bookshelves including books, magazines, and manuals
Since books generally don’t sell well (or for much) in an estate sale, you can feel okay about moving them on by donating or recycling. Old magazines (yes, even Playboy and National Geographic) are not going to sell and you may be surprised that they are sometimes even hard to donate!
3) Old tax documents
Ask your tax advisor or visit to determine how far back you need to keep your paper returns. With so much of the process being electronic now, you may not need to keep anything – just think how much space that frees up!
4) Outdated paperwork/receipts
File cabinets and desk drawers full of old receipts, duplicate checkbooks, and things like that 1976 electric toaster manual can seem daunting to tackle. But, if you start with one drawer at a time, you may be surprised how fast you can throw things out!
5) Photos
Going through the family photo collection can be tough, especially if you are the keeper of all the photos passed down from generations before you. We recommend starting sooner than later and maybe making it a family project over certain holidays or one weekend a month. It’s a great way to reminisce, tell a bit of family history, AND let go of unnecessary baggage in the way of photos that no one recognizes!
6) Cosmetics and toiletries
It’s amazing how much miscellaneous “stuff” can accumulate under the bathroom sink after several years! Now is the time to dispose of old makeup, half or nearly-empty lotion, and perfume bottles, expired medications, and your 1984 spray can of Aqua Net!
Lest you think this is just for ladies…nope! Guys are equally guilty of over-accumulating in the toiletry area.
7) Outdated food and spices
You know it’s true that if you have been living in the same house for 30-50 years or more that you likely have spices older than your kids. It’s time to trash ‘em.
The same goes for expired canned goods and freezer foods you can’t even identify!
Those are the top 7 areas to work on as you begin to prepare for downsizing.
Now, just a quick reminder! If you are truly planning to downsize in the next year or two, this process is TOTALLY 100% optional. People tend to think they are somehow required to purge before moving, but you really don’t have to.
Our Downsizing Made Easy Method® involves moving only what you want and need to your new place and then dealing with the remaining household items after the move. This allows us time (without stressing you out due to deadlines) to help you determine the best strategy for emptying the house before putting it on the market!
All that said, what we’ve found is those on a waiting list or those who don’t plan to have an estate sale, often want to feel productive while waiting. So, if that’s you, this is your list!
If you are feeling overwhelmed or have questions about downsizing in Oklahoma City or surrounding areas, call us at 405.708.7010. If you are outside our service area, we can help connect you with great people in your area who are experienced and reputable!
Planning a future move,
but just aren’t quite ready yet?
If you are a seasoned homeowner or someone
who plans to downsize from a larger home to a smaller
space in the next few years, you have come to the right place.
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to learn how you can join the Oklahoma Downsizers Club.