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In this video, we answer the question about why
you are receiving offers to buy your home, even when it isn’t for sale. 

Are you finding notes on your doorstep, emails flooding your inbox, and calls proclaiming a cash offer for your house, even though it’s not on the market? The truth is blunt—I won’t sugarcoat it—investors are in a frenzy.

Why? Simply put, there’s a scarcity of available houses meeting their criteria within their desired timeframe. So, they’ve hit the streets with an arsenal of marketing strategies—door-to-door campaigns, emails, mailers, and even text messages. The question is, why you? Well, it’s not personal. It’s literally a mass marketing campaign aimed at virtually everyone! 

The offers promise no closing costs, no hassles, and immediate cash transactions. It sounds tempting, doesn’t it? However, it boils down to investor desperation. If your house is in really bad shape – like really, really bad, an investor might seem like a quick solution.

Let’s be clear, though. If selling your home is not an urgent, dire situation, a seasoned real estate agent can secure a better deal for you. Investors, while swift, usually always offer less than market value. And how can you really know what market value is unless you have actually offered it to the marketplace? 

Why the influx of these offers? It’s not just homeowners; even real estate agents are bombarded. Investors are relentless in their pursuit of potential sellers. When you receive those seemingly enticing notes promising a fair market price, no closing costs, and a hassle-free process, it’s crucial to recognize that it often sounds better than it truly is.

Lastly, be aware that today’s investors are adept at crafting very creative names for themselves (i.e. senior transition specialist, certified senior relocation expert, etc.), so you want to check references and verify they actually have the credentials they indicate. 

Our core advice remains the same—approach with caution. Do your due diligence, and if you ever question the fairness or market value of an offer, we’re here to help. Contact us, and we’ll break down the numbers, offering a transparent comparison.

Remember, there’s no nice way to say it—unless you are TRULY desperate, avoid investors. Your home’s value deserves an advocate, not a hurried transaction.


Planning a future move,
but just aren’t quite ready yet?

If you are a seasoned homeowner or someone
who plans to downsize from a larger home to a smaller
space in the next few years,
you have come to the right place.

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